Pay-as-you-go Pricing is supported by a pay-as-you-go wallet system that ensures users maximum flexibility and value for money when using the platform.

New users get €20 of free credits when you sign up for a account. Every user receives €5 a month of free credits for use on the platform.

As a result, is completely free to use if you do not go above the free credits limit, which is equivalent to 5000 predictions, 5000 labels or 83 minutes of training time.

Below is a simplified pricing table for activities on the platform. supports a regressive pricing model, which ensures our most active users benefit from lower per-operation costs. A full pricing table can be seen at the bottom of this page.

Prediction€1 / 1000 predictions
1vN similarity search€1 / 1000 predictions
NvN similarity search€N / 1000 predictions
Image labeling€1 / 1000 labels*
Training €3.6 / hour of training or pre-processing
Project sharing€15 / additional user share**
Disk space€1 / 10 GB (5 GB provided for free)

* The listed price is for labeling self-service. If you are interested in a managed human workforce for image annotation, please, contact us.
** The number of user shares are the maximum number of different users in your projects, including yourself. Each extra user share enables that invited user to be added to as many different projects as required.

For more information about managing your user limits and topping up your account, please, see Wallet info user guide page.

Model Download models can be used either online, via web interface or our REST API server, or offline, by downloading the model and setting up a local REST API server.

The offline models can be used as a free trial for 30 days. After that, in order to continue using the offline model, you will have to buy a license. Please contact us for a custom quote for a model download license.

Regressive Pricing Details

The pay-as-you-go wallet enables users to perform operations on the various Image Recognition models that has to offer. Each operation has a separate cost, which can be found in the pricing table. supports a regressive pricing model, which ensures our most active users benefit from lower per-operation costs.

Detailed Pricing Table supports a regressive pricing model, which ensures our most active users benefit from lower per-operation costs.

If our offered subscription plans do not meet your needs, please, contact us to get a custom pricing. Or you can order a Custom Project and we will find the best solution together.

1-10,000 Predictions 10,001-100,000 predictions 100,000+ predictions
Prediction €0.001 / prediction €0.0009 / prediction €0.0008 / prediction
1vN Similarity Search 1 x €0.001 / prediction 1 x €0.0009 / prediction 1 x €0.0008 / prediction
NvN Similiarity Search N x €0.001 / prediction N x €0.0009 / prediction N x €0.0008 / prediction

Image Labeling

0-10,000 labels 10,001 - 100,000 labels 100,000+ labels
Image Labeling €0.001 / label €0.0008 / label €0.0005 / label


0-1,440 minutes 1,441+ minutes
1 Minute Training Time €0.06 / min €0.048 / min
Preprocess Image €0.06 / min €0.048 / min
Full Details of the Wallet Payment Model
  • Every user gets €5 per month of Complimentary Credits that can be used for any operation on the platform, apart from Model Download. These complimentary credits reset to €5 on the first day of the month, with leftover credit not rolling over to the subsequent month.
  • Every user will have a Credit Balance that they can view after logging in. The balance will be displayed in Euros, and can be topped up via PayPal or Bank Transfer.
  • After the Complimentary Credits have been used up, the cost of each operation on the platform will be deducted from the User’s Balance
  • Once a User has made a credit top-up of at least €5, they will be able to set a Maximum Overdraft Limit of up to €100, allowing the User Balance to become negative when using the platform, to be paid off at a later date. By default, this overdraft limit is set to zero.
  • Our most active and loyal customers have the right but not an obligation to increase this maximum overdraft limit, however the decision remains at the complete discretion of the team. To request a higher maximum overdraft limit, please contact us.
  • The Overdraft can be repaid at any time during the month, or will be automatically collected on the last day of the month. The subsequent month’s complimentary credits do not contribute towards paying off the overdraft.
  • Users can top up their account at any stage, regardless of whether their balance is positive or negative.
  • If by the end of the month the Balance is negative, the negative amount will be displayed in the Amount Due field, and a Due Date assigned. By default the Due Date is the start of the next month after the Amount Due is set.
  • If the user has not paid the Amount due, they are not permitted to perform any further operations, until the Amount due is paid.
  • Certain features, such as used Disk space and the number of users in shared projects (so called User shares) are charged monthly.
  • Every user receives complimentary 5GB of Disk space for free. Users are charged based on the maximum limit they set for Disk space and User shares. They will only be charged if they increase the maximum limit of Disk space or User shares above the free limit.
  • When the user increases the maximum limit of Disk space or User shares, Complimentary Credits will firstly be used. If there is an insufficient amount of Complimentary Credits to cover the desired increases, then the User Balance will be charged. The amount is withdrawn immediately after the maximum limit increase on the 1st day of every month.
  • If a User decreases the maximum limit of Disk Space or User Shares, they will not be refunded any credits for that month, however starting from the subsequent month the charge will be based upon the new limits.
  • If the user does not have enough Balance (including overdraft) on the 1st day of month to pay for the Disk space and/or User shares, we will automatically reduce the maximum Disk space and User shares limit for the user until he has enough balance to pay for them. If after reduction the actual Disk space and/or User shares usage exceeds the limits, all of his actions on will be blocked until the user takes actions to account for this, by either topping-up their Balance to pay for higher limits, deleting excess files, or removing extra users from shared projects.
  • The price for Dedicated similarity search service is charged monthly. To set up a Dedicated Similarity Search Service, please contact the team.

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